Ilya Yashin was again placed in a punitive isolation cell (SHIZO) on the pretext of violating the rules - he allegedly left his sleeping place three minutes after the "rise" command. For this he was sentenced to 15 days in a cold and damp punishment cell. However, the real reason for this punishment is the administration's desire to disrupt Yashin's long-awaited meeting with his parents, which was supposed to take place on Monday.
Ilya was placed in the punishment cell on Friday night, which automatically excluded the possibility of communication with his family. This was done deliberately: it was important to the colony administration that the lawyer did not have time to warn the family.
to warn the family. As a result, Yashin's parents, who travelled 300 km with their belongings, learned at the gates of the colony that their son was in a punishment cell and there would be no meeting. This was reported by Ilya Yashin himself in his Telegram channel on 22 May.